After our crash course, Elixir maps made effortless, a logical building block is structs.
What are Elixir Structs?
As explained in the official docs, Structs are extensions built on top of maps that provide compile-time checks and default values. Maps, as we covered, are one of Elixir's basic data structures. They're the primary way we store key-value pairs:
> users = %{
"sam" => %{age: 22},
"pat" => %{age: 58}
> user1 = Map.get(users, "sam")
%{age: 22}
> Map.get(user1, :age)
# Or in one step...
> get_in(users, ["pat", :age])
Aside from getting values from maps via standard library functions like Map.get/3
or Kernel.get_in/2
, there are also two built-in syntaxes:
- The dot syntax, which throws errors on missing keys
> user1.weight
** (KeyError) key :weight not found in: %{age: 22}
- The [] syntax, which is forgiving:
> users[:nobody]
Note that the dot syntax assumes keys are atoms and if keys are Strings as above, only the bracket syntax can be used. For more on working with maps, see: Elixir maps made effortless
Structs are built on top of maps
Let's try pasting a simple module with a defstruct
into iex and then poking around at it:
defmodule User do
defstruct age: :nil, name: "anonymous"
> user1 = %User{age: 32}
%User{age: 32, name: "anonymous"}
> user2 = %User{}
%User{age: nil, name: "anonymous"}
Using a struct makes it possible to define default values. It also lets us be confident that any User
we create will at least have the two keys of age
and name
. It also makes it possible for us to match various kinds of structs in a case statement, like this:
case user1 do
%User{} -> IO.puts("This is a user")
%Admin{} -> IO.puts("This is an admin")
_ -> IO.puts("I don't know what this is")
This will do a compile-time check to ensure both the structs are defined and then it will check the hidden __struct__
key of user1
to see which kind of struct it is. If the Admin
struct isn't defined, then you'll see this:
Admin.__struct__/0 is undefined, cannot expand struct Admin
Enforcing keys
We can go a step further. By using @enforce_keys
at the top of a struct module, we can enforce that a specific set of keys are used when creating a struct
defmodule User do
@enforce_keys [:age, :name]
defstruct age: :nil, name: "anonymous", favorite_color: "purple"
Then, we'll see the following in iex:
> bob = %User{}
(ArgumentError) the following keys must also be given when building struct User: [:age, :name]
> bob = %User{name: "Bob", age: 48, favorite_food: "steak"}
** (KeyError) key :favorite_food not found
> bob = %User{name: "Bob", age: "48"}
%User{age: 48, favorite_color: "purple", name: "Bob"}
Now, users must have names and ages, but favorite colors are optional. Any other key is invalid. Again, this is enforced at compile-time, so it is possible to patch together a struct that violates the specified behavior by directly setting the __struct__
field rather than using the %User{}
syntax. This isn't a good idea to abuse, but it can be useful in some situations when building libraries.
Here's how we could create a "user" who's missing a required key and includes a key that isn't part of the %User{} struct:
> evil_bob = %{__struct__: User, name: "Bob", favorite_food: "steak"}
> case evil_bob do
> %User{} -> IO.puts("This is a user")
> _ -> IO.puts("This isn't a user")
> end
This is a user
A hands-on example
If you want to dig into a simple, plain Elixir project using Structs, take a look at the Tic-tac-toe game board screencast!