This is part one of a larger series, Zero to Framework, in which we build the alchemist camp!
- Part 2: Deploying with Nanobox (which no longer exists 😢)
- Part 3: Building a router and handling static assets
- Part 4: A minimal Plug.Conn clone to handle 404s
- Part 5: Adding EEx templates to a Cowboy web server
- Part 6: Putting an OTP app in our OTP app (pro)
- Part 7: Creating controllers for an Elixir web server
- Part 8: Creating a DSL for our router
See how a web site can be made in Elixir without using Phoenix or even Plug.
We're building from scratch, using just the Cowboy web server (which is written in Erlang). Even if you never intend to use Cowboy directly, it's useful for any Elixir dev to know what Erlang error messages look like and to realize they're not nearly so cryptic as they first appear.
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